KC Scout activates digital color message boards

The KC Scout Traffic Management Center began activating new color digital message boards on Monday, June 28. These boards feature digital travel time messages utilizing full color interstate and highway shields. Nationwide studies have shown that the color interstate and highway shields are easier for drivers to read as they travel along the freeway. As replacements of several KC Scout dynamic message boards were already scheduled for the spring 2021, KC Scout used this opportunity to install the upgraded boards. "Thanks to new advancements in technology, these higher definition and more energy efficient message boards are available at the same cost as the original sign boards that were installed 20 years ago,” explains KC Scout’s Transportation Project Manager Mark Sommerhauser. “After years of 24/7 usage, the existing signs were overheating once the air temperature neared 90 degrees. These dynamic message sign board failures were unacceptable since motorists depend on the...