2022 Castle Rock Summit held at KDOT
KDOT recently hosted the 2022 Castle Rock Summit in Bonner Springs, KS at the KDOT Area Office. Castle Rock is the 511 vendor for several states and municipalities across the country. 511 provides real-time updates about weather-related road conditions, construction, commercial vehicle restrictions, road closures and other events that impact traffic via the phone, internet, or mobile application. The summit brought together multiple organizations to share what is going on within their agency and to educate them on the new features Castle Rock will be rolling out in the coming year. According to KDOT Liaison Michael Flory, the Summit is also a great place for people to network and learn about other technologies and safety tools from other agencies. "During the Summit, you learn about how each state and/or municipality is using 511 to get information out to public," Flory said. Communication with the public from KDOT, MoDOT, and KC Scout is imperative for each of these ...