KC Scout innovationwins second place in People Choice

Each year MoDOT's Kansas City district hosts a district-wide showcase for its annual Innovations Challenge. The Innovations Challenge is a MoDOT event that recognizes new ideas that help the department improve safety, simplify work, save time, and save money. This year, KC Scout submitted one innovation that took home Second Place in the district's People's Choice category. Their innovation replaces paper forms with digital versions. This innovation replaced the paper form of KC Scout's Daily Vehicle Inspection Form. This form is completed on their mobile phones daily and tracks the condition of KC Scout vehicles, along with various safety and work related items that should be in them. According to Special Projects Coordinator Nancy Powell, utility locators like using the digital form as it eliminates having to keep paper forms in vehicles and makes the daily reporting much easier According to the team (Mohammad Shehada, Dominique Gonzalez, York Morlan, Christopher B...