MoDOT Senior Traffic Studies Specialist Doneisha Wigfall attends Panel in Washington D.C.

Being a part of a team working to ensure work zone speed limits are being reviewed is well overdue according to KC Scout Senior Traffic Studies Specialist Doneisha Wigfall. Being nominated by MoDOT’s State Maintenance Director Natalie Roark with the support of KC District Engineer, Chris Redline to attend a work zone speed limit panel is an adventure Wigfall recently embarked upon. 

The event was held the week of Dec. 6th by the National Academies and Transportation Research Board (TRB) at the Keck Center in Washington DC. This event is ongoing and provides an opportunity to review current work zone speed limits which have not been reviewed in approximately 30 years. 

 “Due to the advancing technologies along with the difficulties that each work zone presents, this review is definitely needed,” stated Wigfall. The biggest take away for Wigfall was the fact review/research may show that the current thresholds in place won't need adjustments. 

It is great to know this topic is being evaluated and professionals in the industry are a part of the conversation.


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